The temperature control unit is operated via the touch screen using interactions such as tapping, swiping and scrolling. For easy navigation, the user interface is divided into two fixed areas:


Never touch the screen with hard or sharp-edged objects.


  • If you press the button for a function or parameter for 2 seconds, the help system opens directly. The information that matches the parameter is displayed.
  • The parameter and settings that cannot be operated or changed are shown in grey.

SymbolsLink to Symbols

Display icons
The symbols at the bottom of the main screen display information about the unit.

Limit monitoring disabled. The unit no monitor limits.
Limit monitoring activated. The user manual determines and sets limits.
Limit monitoring activated. The unit automatically determines and sets limits in accordance with the set monitoring level.

Connected to Interface Server Gate-6

Connected to the Internet

Remote control activated

Timer activated

USB data carrier connected and recognized

Data transfer USB data carrier active (e.g. During a software update)

Controller optimization activated. The control parameter are automatically recalculated and set.

Lower speed limit activated

Upper speed limit activated

simulation operation activated

Control icons

Edit the current basic screen page (favorite selection)

Favorite selection for actual value display

Setting selection
The setting is immediately applied and returns to the previous screen.

Switch to the next user interface.
Return to the previous user interface.
When values are entered or selected options, the corresponding input window is left without modification.
Show or hide expanded dialog

Switch on or off the function

Tapping on the button makes the input visible or hidden.
Start the coupling the e-cockpit process

Stop starting the process (e.g. Controller optimization, recalculate detect)

Stop the process (e.g. Controller optimization, recalculate limit detect)

Start the process (e.g. Software update package is downloaded and installed)

Exporting data

Importing data

Reset settings
Trend graph zoom keys

Play live mode of the trend graph

Stop live trend graph mode


Keyboard symbols
When setting the value of parameters, a numeric or letter keyboard is automatically displayed.

Delete previous character

Enter key
Back to previous screen with value transfer

Switch between input fields

Change sign

Increase or decrease value input by a tenth (0.1)

Unit statusLink to Unit status

Description field (1)Unit namingThe unit naming can be edited by tapping the button.
  • [Display] > [Unit information] > [Unit Naming]
Address field (2)Remote control addressThe remote control address can be set by tapping the button.
  • [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Remote Control Address] → click here.
Measuring point (3)Shows the current actual value for temperature control, depending on the setting.
  • Main line
  • Return line
  • External
  • [Setting] > [Temperature Control] > [Internal Measuring Point]
  • [Functions] > [External Sensor] → click here.
Set value (4)Shows the corresponding set value depending on the operating mode.
  • [Set temperature 1]
  • [Set temperature 2] (when the [2. Set Value] function is active)
  • [Cooling Temperature] (when the [Cooling] function is active)
  • [Mould Evacuation Time] (if the [Mould evacuation] function is active)
The set value can be set by tapping the button.
  • [Set Values] > [Set temperature 1]
  • [Set Values] > [Set temperature 2]
  • [Setting] > [Miscellaneous] > [Cooling Temperature]
  • [Setting] > [Miscellaneous] > [Mould evacuation time]
Flow rate (5)Measured flow rate-
Regulation ratio (6)Heating capacity or cooling capacity in%-
Status field (7)Shows the active operating mode with color status indication:

Tapping on the status field (symbol ) opens the information system. The information system displays general device information as well as information about upcoming faults and warnings (click here).

If the operating mode text blinks in the status field, it is indicated that the selected operating mode is still in preparation.

  • Mould evacuation, e.g. Cooling to mould evacuation temperature or safety cooling temperature
  • Leak stopper, e.g. Waiting for the delay time
Ready to operate (grey)
Trouble-free (green)
Software-update (blue)
Warning (yellow)
Fault (red)

Basic screenLink to Basic screen

Navigation keys

Home display (1)

Quick access to the following basic displays

  • Actual value display as an indicator graph (temperature from the internal measurement point, flow rate, temperature difference between Main line and Return line)

  • Actual value display in list form

  • Trend graph of temperature and flow rate

  • Energy-efficient display

  • Maintenance interval display

You can switch between the individual basic displays by tapping on the register symbols or swiping.

Main menu (2)

Quick access to the main menu, where the submenus are listed in tile form. You can switch between several main menu pages by swiping.

Profile (3)

Quick access to profile settings, including control language, access rights, horn volume, and screen brightness.

Function keys


The function button (cooling, mould evacuation and I/O) must be pressed for approx. ¼ s to perform the function. This serves as protection to prevent unwanted release in the event of accidental contact.

cooling (4)

By pressing the button, the unit cools down and switches off (→ click here... )

mould evacuation (5)

By pressing the button, the unit is emptied and depressurised (→ click here... )

switch on/off (6)

By pressing the I/O button, the unit starts in the defined operating mode. The unit shuts off by pressing the I/O button again.

Register symbolLink to Register symbol

Symbol/ Display


Actual value display as an indicator graph

The actual values of temperature (Main line, Return line or external), flow rate and difference between Main line and Return line are displayed graphically as indicators. In addition, the set limit values and set values are also displayed.

  • The actual value pointer appears to the right of the indicator. Depending on the process, the pointer is displayed in grey, green, or yellow:

(grey) → limit value inactive or invalid
(green) → actual value within the limits
(yellow) → actual value outside the limits

  • The target value pointer () is displayed on the left side of the indicator.


    By tapping on the setpoint pointer (), the numeric keyboard opens directly for entering the set value.

  • The monitoring limits (if available) are shown by a green area on the indicator.


    By tapping on the respective indicator bar, the menu level opens directly (Monitoring → Limit setting).

Actual value display in list form

The actual values are displayed in the form of a list. The parameter are shown or hidden depending on the user profile set. To set parameter as favourites or to make changes, tap the edit symbol . A maximum of 8 parameter can be set as favourites. The favourites are listed at the very top of the sorting and are therefore directly visible in the basic display.

Trend graph of temperature and flow rate

The recording of predefined temperature values and flow measurement values is graphically displayed and recorded continuously. The recording can be viewed retroactively on the standard display for fault diagnosis or saved as a USB recording on a USB data carrier (→ click here).

energy-efficient display

The energy efficiency Display shows the current savings per year. The savings per year depend on the pump speed and the temperature difference between Main line and Return line (→ click here).

Maintenance interval display

The maintenance-relevant components are displayed graphically. If a maintenance interval reaches 95%, the necessary maintenance is shown by the symbol in the tab bar on the main screen (→ click here).