Main menuSubmenu 1Submenu 2Submenu 3Submenu 4ProfileOperat. releaseDefaultUnitsReset customReset systemReset complete
Set values           
 Set temperature 1   S240.0°Cx x
 Set temperature 2   S20.0°Cx x
 Set speed   S2100.0%x x
 Set flow rate   S210.0L/minx x
 Set temperature difference   S22.5Kx x
 Heating ramp   E3Value: 5.0
Status: x
K/minx x
 Cooling ramp   E3Value: 5.0
Status: x
K/minx x
 Safety cooling temperature   E370.0°Cx x
 Limiting temperature   E3Temperature 100: 100
Temperature 140: 140
Temperature 160: 160
Temperature 180: 180
°Cx x
 Flow pressure limiter   E3Value: 10.0
Status: x
barx x
 Cooling   S1x-x x
 Mould evacuation   S1x-x x
 Remote control   S1x-x x
 2. Set value   S1x-x x
 Leak stopper   S1x-x x
 External sensor   S1x-   
 Standby mode   S1x-x x
 Timer   S1x-  x
 Actual values          
  Set temperature (current)  S--°C   
  Main line  S--°C   
  Return line  S--°C   
  External  S--°C   
  Deviation actual/set  S--K   
  Return/main difference  S--K   
  Regulation ratio  S--%   
  Flow rate  S--L/min   
  Process power  S--kW   
  Set value system pressure  S--bar   
  System pressure  S--bar   
  Main line pressure  S--bar   
  Pump pressure differential  S--bar   
  Return pressure  S--bar   
  Pressure differential return filter  S--bar   
  Operating hours  S-0.0h  x
  Total current L1  S--A   
  Total current L2  S--A   
  Total current L3  S--A   
  Frequency converter temperature  S--°C   
  Cooler temperature  S--°C   
  Compensation temperature  S--°C   
  External/Main line difference  S--K   
  Pump output  S--%   
  Pump speed  S-0min-1   
  Pump performance  S--kW   
  Pump condition  S--%   
  Position cooling valve 1  S--%   
  Position cooling valve 2  S--%   
  Position shut-off valve 1  S--%   
  Remaining time pump maintenance  S220000.0h   
  Remaining time until heating maintenance  S220000.0h   
  Remaining time cooler maintenance  S220000.0h   
  Remaining time fan maintenance  S27000.0h   
  Remaining time cooling water filter maintenance  S21000.0h   
  Remaining time return filter maintenance  S21000.0h   
  Switch cycle up to maintenance air relief valve  S24294967295-   
  Switch cycle up to maintenance fill valve  S24294967295-   
 Unit information          
  Type of unit  S---   
  Unit naming  S2Zone-x x
  Unit location  S2--x x
  Additional equipment  S---   
  Basic type  S---   
  Heating  S-0.0%   
  Cooling  S-0.0%   
  Pump  S-0.0%   
  Fan  S-0.0%   
  Cooling water filter  S-0.0%   
  Return line filter  S20.0%   
  Filling valve  S-0.0%   
  Air relief valve  S-0.0%   
 Software licenses   S --   
  Upper set/actual deviation  S3Value: 5.0
Status: ✓
Kx x
  Lower set/actual deviation  S3Value: 5.0
Status: ✓
Kx x
  Return/main difference  S3Value: 10.0
Status: ✓
Kx x
  Set/actual difference deviation  S3Value: 2.0
Status: ✓
Kx x
  External/Main line difference  S3Value: 10.0
Status: x
Kx x
 Flow rate          
  Maximum flow rate  S3Value: 30.0
Status: x
L/minx x
  Minimal flow rate  S3Value: 5.0
Status: ✓
L/minx x
  Upper set/actual deviation  S3Value: 2.0
Status: x
L/minx x
  Lower set/actual deviation  S3Value: 2.0
Status: ✓
L/minx x
 Monitoring type   S3Automatically-x x
 Monitoring level   S3Middle-x x
 Reset monitoring limits   S30-   
 Startup-alarmsuppression   S3Complete-x x
 Alarm contact function   S3NO1-x x
 Remote control          
   Network connection status S----   
   Network configuration S3Automatically-  x
   IP address S30-  x
   Advanced network settings        
    NetmaskS30-  x
    Default gatewayS30-  x
    DNS serverS30-  x
   MAC address S-00:00:00:00:00:00-   
  Current IP address  S-0-   
  Remote control address  S31-  x
  Remote access via VNC  E3x-  x
  VNC password  E3--  x
  Simulate Flow as a unit  E3x-  x
  Local control system  U4x-x x
  Active OPC UA connections         
 Pump control          
  Pump operating mode  S3Normal operation-x x
  Pump start-up function  E3- xx
  Set startup speed  E3100.0% xx
 Temperature control          
  Internal measuring point  E3Main line-x x
  Controller mode  E3Automatically-x x
  Auto-tuning  E30-   
  Auto-tuning speed  E4100.0%x x
  Output limitation heating  E4100%x x
  Output limitation cooling  E4100%x x
  Control parameter P internal  E415Kx x
  Control parameter I internal  E460sx x
  Control parameter D internal  E4Value: 1
Status: x
sx x
  Control parameter P external  E4150Kx x
  Control parameter I external  E4180sx x
  Control parameter D external  E4Value: 45
Status: ✓
sx x
  Filter time external sensor Controller  E415.0s xx
  Disturbance factor  U4Value: 3.0
Status: x
-x x
  Sync from Gate-6  S3-   
  Date  S3YYYY-MM-DD-   
  Time  S3HH:MM-   
  Time zone  S3Europe/St_Gallen-   
  Temperature-unit  S3°C-x x
  Flow unit  S3L/min-x x
  Pressure unit  S3bar-x x
 External sensor          
  External sensor type  S3J/Fe-CuNi-xxx
  Pt 100 conductor circuit  U32 or 4 conductors- xx
  Source external sensor  S3Locally-xxx
  Switch over exernal sensor  S3Automatically-x x
  Infrared sensor compensation  S3x- xx
  Emissivity  S31.0- xx
  IR temperature compensation  S30.0°C xx
  External sensor filter  U420.0s xx
  Sensor external offset  U40.0K  x
  External sensor ascent corr.  U40.0%  x
  Temperature at analogue min  E30.0°C xx
  Temperature at analogue max  E3200.0°C xx
 Energy-efficient display          
  Electricity price  S30.27E/kWhxxx
  Currency  S3EUR-xxx
  Operating hours/year  S36000hxxx
  Cooling temperature  S335.0°Cx x
  Waiting time after cooling  S3Value: 5
Status: x
minx x
  Mould evacuation time  S3ZG true: 240sx x
  Mould evacuation temperature  E370.0°Cx x
  Delay mould evacuation after start  E390sx x
  Pressure relief at shutdown  E3-x x
  Pressure relief duration  E35sx x
  Rinsing time  E30.5s xx
  Rinse interval  E3Value: 30
Status: x
min xx
  Restart interlock  E3x-x x
  Show wizard at start  S3-  x
  Quick detection hose rupture  S3-  x
  Set speed Standby  S233.3% xx
  Safety off via ext. contact  S3x-  x
  Ext. contact read at mains ON  S3x-x x
  Switch-off delay in case overtemperature  U3Value: 30.0
Status: x
sx x
  Post-cooling time  U3Value: 60
Status: ✓
s xx
  Mon-Sun switch on time  S3Value: 420
Status: x
-x x
  Mon-Sun switch off time  S3Value: 480
Status: x
-x x
Gate    S --   
Alarm logbook    S --   
 Historical data          
  Period historical data  S31 day-x x
  Export historical data         
 Gate-6 data          
  Import parameter data         
  Import configuration data         
  Export parameter data         
  Export configuration data         
 Start software-update   E4--   
 Export analysis data          
 Export parameter data          
 Import parameter data          
 Export configuration data          
 Import configuration data          
 Export quality test          
Help system    S --   
Setup-wizard    S --   
 Configuration   U --   
  Frequency converter         
  Reset complete  U40-   
  Reset History DB  U40-   
   Stepper motors        
    Positioning KV 1U30%   
    Positioning KV 2U380%   
    Positioning AV 1U3100%   
   Set cooler U360.0°C xx
   Cooling ramp 2 U4Value: 50.0
Status: ✓
K/min xx
   Temperature cooling ramp 2 U4140.0°C xx
  Pressure control         
   Pressure control mode U3Automatically- xx
   Set pressure value (manual) U31.0bar xx
   Air relief pressure U31.5bar xx
   Absolute pressure set value correction U30.5bar xx
   Pressure setpoint correction percentage U310% xx
   Pressure control hysteresis U30.3bar xx
   Pressure control dead band U31.7bar xx
   Filling pump control U3Manual- xx
   Filling pump switch-on pressure U31.0bar xx
   Filling pump switch-on pressure (current) U--bar   
   Set pressure value max. U316.0bar xx
   Set pressure value min. U30.7bar xx
   Cooling regulation ratio limit refill U4Cooling type A2: 100
Cooling type E2: 50
% xx
  Filling/air relief         
   Max. operating time filling pump U3120s xx
   Pausenfaktor filling pump U325.0% xx
   Maximum fill time U330s xx
   Leakage monitoring U3Value: 300
Status: ✓
ml/h xx
   Leakage monitoring reset time U360min xx
   Venting efficiency U30.5- xx
   Number air relief U325- xx
   Fill monitoring factor U35- xx
   Reaction in case of incorrect measurements U3Sinks- xx
    Factor heater overtemp.U410000- xx
    Factor heater timeU420000h xx
    Factor cooler timeU420000h xx
    Factor cooler overtemp.U42000K/% xx
    Factor pump timeU420000h xx
    Tolerance pump conditionU440% xx
    Pump condition minimumU460% xx
    Fan duration factorU47000h xx
    Fan limit value factorU430K/% xx
    CPU GIF temperature limit valueU480.0°C xx
   Cooling water filter        
    Factor cooling water filterU41000h xx
   Return line filter        
    Limit value factor return filterU41000h xx
    Reset maintenance filter limit valueU45.0% xx
    Factor switching cycles valvesU410000000- xx
   Maintenance warning threshold U495% xx
   Wait reset operation release U3Value: 300
Status: ✓
sx x
   Reset time menu U3Value: 300
Status: ✓
sx x
   Screensaver U3x-x x
  Heat transfer medium         
   Density (water) U41.0kg/L xx
   Density coefficient (water) U4-0.5g/L K xx
   Thermal capacity (water) U44200J/kg K xx
   Coeff. thermal capacity (water) U42.0J/kg K2 xx
   Density (oil) U41.059kg/L xx
   Density coefficient (oil) U4-0.716g/L K xx
   Thermal capacity (oil) U42000J/kg K xx
   Coeff. thermal capacity (oil) U44.0J/kg K2 xx
  Leak stopper         
   Temperature limit leak stopper U370.0°C xx
   Pressure sensor filter U42.0s xx
   Pressure sensor 1 offset U40.0bar  x
   Pressure sensor 1 ascent corr. U40.0%  x
   Pressure sensor 2 offset U40.0bar  x
   Pressure sensor 2 ascent corr. U40.0%  x
   Pressure sensor 3 offset U40.0bar  x
   Pressure sensor 3 slope correction U40.0%  x
   Main/return line sensor filter U420.0s xx
   Main line sensor offset U40.0K  x
   Main line sensor ascent corr U40.0%  x
   Return line sensor offset U40.0K  x
   Return line sensor ascent corr. U40.0%  x
   Cooler sensor filter U420.0s xx
   Cooler sensor offset U40.0K  x
   Cooler sensor ascent corr. U40.0%  x
   Tank sensor filter U420.0s xx
   Tank sensor offset U40.0K  x
   Tank sensor incline correct U40.0%  x
   1 offset backup sensor U40.0K  x
   Reserve sensor with 1 slope correct U40.0%  x
   2 offset backup sensor U40.0K  x
   Reserve sensor with 2 incline corr. U40.0%  x
  Flow rate         
   Flow rate filter (internal) U410.0s xx
   Flow rate offset (internal) U40.0L/min  x
   Flow rate ascent corr. (internal) U40.0%  x
  Actual values         
   Temperature CPU USR-61 U-0.0°C   
   Temperature CPU GIF-61 U-0.0°C   
   Temperature CPU ZSM-61 U-0.0°C   
   Operating mode (current) U-Undefined-   
   Error rate flow rate filtered U--%   
   Heating current 1 L1 U--A   
   Heating current 1 L2 U--A   
   Heating current 1 L3 U--A   
   Heating current 2 L1 U--A   
   Heating current 2 L2 U--A   
   Heating current 2 L3 U--A   
   Heating current 3 L1 U--A   
   Heating current 3 L2 U--A   
   Heating current 3 L3 U--A   
   Heating current 4 L1 U--A   
   Heating current 4 L2 U--A   
   Heating current 4 L3 U--A   
   Heating voltage 1 L1 U--V   
   Heating voltage 1 L2 U--V   
   Heating voltage 1 L3 U--V   
   Heating voltage 2 L1 U--V   
   Heating voltage 2 L2 U--V   
   Heating voltage 2 L3 U--V   
   Heating voltage 3 L1 U--V   
   Heating voltage 3 L2 U--V   
   Heating voltage 3 L3 U--V   
   Heating voltage 4 L1 U--V   
   Heating voltage 4 L2 U--V   
   Heating voltage 4 L3 U--V   
   Heating capacity 1 L1 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 1 L2 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 1 L3 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 2 L1 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 2 L2 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 2 L3 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 3 L1 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 3 L2 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 3 L3 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 4 L1 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 4 L2 U--kW   
   Heating capacity 4 L3 U--kW   
   Regulation ratio should U40.0%   
   Current set value controller U--°C   
   Tank temperature U--°C   
   Regulation ratio U4-%   
   Voltage 24 VAC U--VAC   
   Voltage 24 VDC U--VDC   
   Mains frequency (current) U--Hz   
   Voltage 12 VDC GIF-61 U--VDC   
   Voltage 5 VDC GIF-61 U--VDC   
   Voltage 3.3 VDC GIF-61 U--VDC   
   Voltage 1.8 VDC GIF-61 U--VDC   
   Return/main difference U--K   
   Heating current L1 U--A   
   Heating current L2 U--A   
   Heating current L3 U--A   
   L1 phase heating voltage U--V   
   L2 phase heating voltage U--V   
   L3 phase heating voltage U--V   
   Pump current L1 U--A   
   Pump current L2 U--A   
   Pump current L3 U--A   
   Heating capacity phase 1 U--kW   
   Heating capacity phase 2 U--kW   
   Heating capacity phase 3 U--kW   
   Phase power L1 U--kW   
   Phase power L2 U--kW   
   Phase power L3 U--kW   
   Fan speed U-0min-1   
   Pressure waste coefficient return line filter U---   
   Actual value controller U--°C   
   Recognized network shape U-Unknown- xx
  Additional equipment         
   ZL, ZG, ZF, … U-x-   
  Software information         
   Software version U---   
   Software version GIF U---   
   Software version DMS U---   
   Software version ZSM 1 U---   
   Software version ZSM 2 U---   
   Software version ZSM 3 U---   
   Software version ZSM 4 U---   
   Software version FU U---   
   DMS software update status U----   
   ZSM 1 software update status U----   
   ZSM 2 software update status U----   
   ZSM 3 software update status U----   
   ZSM 4 software update status U----   
   Boot loader version DMS U---   
   Hardware-version GIF/DMS U---   
   Serial number GIF/DMS U---   
   Boot loader version ZSM1 U---   
   Hardware-version ZSM1 U---   
   Serial number ZSM1 U---   
   Boot loader version ZSM2 U---   
   Hardware-version ZSM2 U---   
   Serial number ZSM2 U---   
   Boot loader version ZSM3 U---   
   Hardware-version ZSM3 U---   
   Serial number ZSM3 U---   
   Boot loader version ZSM4 U---   
   Hardware-version ZSM4 U---   
   Serial number ZSM4 U---   
   Serial number FU U---   
   Software version Rescue U---   
   Baseboard type U----   
   Baseboard version U---   
   Baseboard serial number U---   
   Minimal software USR U---   
   Minimal Software GIF U---   
   minimal software GIF (USR cache) U---   
   Minimal Software Thermo-6 U---   
   Minimal software network U---   
  Operating hours         
   Operating hours unit U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours pump U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours cooler U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours heater 1 U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours heater 2 U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours heater 3 U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours heater 4 U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours inverter U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours fan U-0.0h  x
   Operating hours filling pump U-0.0h  x
   Filling pump Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Air relief Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Filling Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Mould evacuation Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Leak stopper Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Pressure relief Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Print Switch cycle /Ventilation U-0-  x
   Alarm contact Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Main contactor Switch cycle U-0-  x
   Total thermostat release H1 U-0-  x
   Total thermostat release H2 U-0-  x
   Total thermostat release H3 U-0-  x
   Total thermostat release H4 U-0-  x
   Act. number. trigger. Thermost. H1 U-0-  x
   Act. number. trigger. Thermost. H2 U-0-  x
   Act. number. trigger. Thermost. H3 U-0-  x
   Act. number. trigger. Thermost. H4 U-0-  x
   Number of mould evacuation U-0-  x
   Actuator air relief detected U-x-   
   Actuator filling detected U-x-   
   Mold emptying actuator detected U-x-   
   Actuator leak stopper detected U-x-   
   Actuator press. relief ZG detected U-x-   
   Actuator compr. air ZG detected U-x-   
   Actuator air relief active U4x-   
   Actuator filling active U4x-   
   Actuator mould evacuation active U4x-   
   Actuator leak stopper active U4x-   
   Actuator press. relief ZG active U4x-   
   Actuator compr. air ZG active U4x-   
   Actuator main contactor active U4x-   
   Actuator alarm contact active U4x-   
   Digital input 1 active U-x-   
   Digital input 2 active U-x-   
   Digital input 3 active U-x-   
   External sensor connected U-x-   
   Level measurement available U-x-   
   Horn active U-x-   
   Current error code flow rate U-0-   
   Current error code ZSM1 U-0-   
   Current error code ZSM2 U-0-   
   Current error code ZSM3 U-0-   
   Current error code ZSM4 U-0-   
   Current status code ZSM1 U-0-   
   Current status code ZSM2 U-0-   
   Current status code ZSM3 U-0-   
   Current status code ZSM4 U-0-   
   Filling pump status U4x-   
   Effective filling pump status U-x-   
   Auto-tuning active U-x-   
    Reset maintenance heatingU40-   
    Reset maintenance coolerU40-   
    Reset maintenance pumpU40-   
    Reset maintenance fill valveU40-   
    Reset maintenance air relief valveU40-   
    Reset maintenance fanU40-   
    Reset maintenance cooling water filterU40-   
    Reset maintenance return filterU40-   
    Reset average main line temp.U-0-   
    Reset average return line temp.U-0-   
    Reset average flowU-0-   
   Reset custom parameter U40-   
   Reset system parameter U40-   
   Reset logbook alarms U40-   
   Reset historical data U40-   
   Reset user logbook U40-   
   Average main line temp. U-0.0°C   
   Average return line temp. U-0.0°C   
   Average flow U-0.0L/min   
  Simulation operation  U3x-   
  External process power  U41.0kW xx
  Activate alarm  U4Alarmlist-   
  Disable alarm  U4Alarmlist-   
  Number of DFM-51  U40-  x
  Service mode  U3x-   
  Position cooling valve 1 (Nom)  U4-%   
  Position cooling valve 2 (Nom)  U4-%   
  Pump status  U4x-   
  Pump direction  U4Forwards-   
  Position shut-off valve 1 (Nom)  U4-%   
 Overview Flow          
 Flow A-D          
    Labelling FlowS3---   
    Address range FlowS3---   
    Delete flowS30-   
    Number measuring circuits FlowU4--   
  Actual values         
   Main line A1..D16 S -°C   
   Return line A1..D16 S -°C   
   Return/main difference A1..D16 S -K   
   Flow rate A1..D16 S -L/min   
    Return/main difference A1..D16S0-K   
   Flow rate        
    Maximum flow rate A1..D16S0-L/min   
    Minimal flow rate A1..D16S0-L/min   
   Reset complete U40-   
   Reset system parameter U40-   
  Measuring circuit active A1..D16  S3x-  x
User logbook    S --   
Quality check           
  Tolerance flow rate measurement  U410.0% xx
  Tolerance pressure measurement  U40.1bar xx
  Tolerance pressure gauge   U40.5bar xx
  Tol. temp. measurement internal  U41.0K xx
  Tol. temp. measurement external  U46.0K xx
  Tolerance external sensor Pt 100  U43.0K xx
  Tolerance pump pressure  U430% xx
  Maximum heat-up time  U415min xx
  Maximum cooling time  U410min xx
 Start quality test   U40-   
 Test temperature 3   U4Value: 60.0
Status: x
°C xx
 Test temperature 4   U4Value: 80.0
Status: x
°C xx
 Apply calibrating   U40-   
 Language   S0English-  x
 User profile   S4Standard-x x
 Change code   S41234-x x
 Operating release   S42-x x
 Horn volume   E310-x x
 Screen brightness   S365%x x