Date/timeLink to Date/time

If the desired time zone act not available in the parameter selection list or the date and time are not correct despite the correct time zone, the date and time must be set manual.


If the [Sync from Gate] parameter act switched on, the date and time cannot be set manual.

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Date/Time] > [Time]

  3. Set the parameter to the desired value
  4. Select [Setting] > [Date/Time] > [Date]
  5. Set the parameter to the desired value

Synchronization with interface server Gate-6Link to Synchronization with interface server Gate-6

If the temperature control unit act connected to a Gate-6, the date and time can be synchronized with the Gate-6.

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Date/Time] > [Sync From Gate]

  3. Switch on the function with the slider ().

Time zoneLink to Time zone

When the unit is delivered, the date and time are set to Central European time (CET). In countries with a different time zone, this must be set accordingly before use (for example using the setup-wizard).

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Date/Time] > [Time Zone]

  3. Set the parameter to the desired value


If time zones can be selected, the system automatically switches from summer to winter time.