Basic information
The online instruction manual describes all Series 6products. Language variants are machine translations. Country-specific differences in language variants are possible. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact your country representative (→ nameplate) or our customer service
Technical changes
Illustrations in this instructions are for basic understanding and may differ from the actual design of the unit. For special devices (→ nameplate), the corresponding additional documents apply. We reserve the right to make technical changes in the context of improvement, usability and development.
Liability limitation
All information and information in this instructions has been compiled taking into account the applicable regulations, the state of the art and our many years of knowledge and experience. The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage due to:
- Failure to follow the instructions
- Improper use
- Use of untrained personnel
- Unauthorized conversions
- Technical changes
- Use of unapproved spare parts
The obligations agreed in the delivery contract, general terms and conditions as well as the terms of delivery and the legal regulations valid at the time the contract is concluded apply.
Copyright protection
This instructions is protected by copyright and is intended for internal use only. Duplication in any type and form — including extracts — as well as use and/or communication of the content are not permitted without written permission from the manufacturer, except for internal purposes. Violations oblige you to pay compensation. We reserve the right to make further claims.
The warranty is set out in the General Terms of Delivery (see here... )
Data protection
HB-Therm AG privacy policy (see here... ).