
  • Qualified personnel

Equipment needed

  • No special equipment
  • An HB-TP180 checking facility can Optional be used for pressure measurement. For further Information, see https://knowledge.hb-therm.eu


  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Functions] > [Mould Evacuation]
  3. Switch off the function with the slider ().
  4. Remove the hydraulic connections on the Main line and Return line lines.
  5. The pressure shown by the pressure gauge must be 0 bar +0.3 bar.
  6. Select [Display] > [Actual Values] > [System Pressure]
    → The System Pressure
    must display 0.0 bar ±0.1 bar.
  7. Select [Display] > [Actual Values] > [main line Pressure]
    The Main Line Pressure Must Show
    0.0 bar ±0.1 bar.

Calibrate pressure sensor

  • If the deviation is >0.1 bar, the unit's pressure sensors must be checked. For larger linear errors, the individual pressure sensors can be calibrated → [Service] > [Calibrating] > [Pressure] > [Pressure sensor 1 Offset] or [Pressure Sensor 2 offset].

If you have any questions, please contact your HB-Therm country representative (www.hb-therm.com).