Gate-6 Interfaces
Data is exchanged between the machine control and the Thermo-6 temperature control unit via the interface server. Gate-6 To control system the temperature control unit via an external controller, click here...

Ethernet interface OPC UA (EUROMAP 82.1 Release 1.01 / OPC 40082-1)for connecting Thermo-6 temperature control units and for connection to the machine
Switch with 2 sockets RJ-45
Shielded Category 5 or higher cable be used for all Ethernet connections. These cable are available from standard retailers.
Serial data interface 20 mA, RS-232, RS-422/485 (Billion, Bühler, Dr. Boy, Engel, Ferromatik Milacron, Haitian, KraussMaffei, Negri Bossi, SPI (Fanuc, etc.), Stork, Sumitomo Demag, Wittmann Battenfeld, Zhafir)
1 socket Sub-D 25 pin (female)
- Interface cables can be found in the accessories catalogue
- Serial data interface CAN-Bus (Sumitomo Demag), CANopen (EUROMAP 66; Netstal, etc.)
- 1 socket Sub-D 9 pin (female)
- Interface cables can be found in the accessories catalogue
Cable pin-assignment
Adapter (only for Demag machines, O/ID T22590)

- Demag: unit 1 with address 13
- Netstal: unit 1 with address 31