In order to control system the Thermo-6 temperature control unit via an external controller, the following Interfaces are available for a connection between the unit and the machine.


  • When the remote control is switched on, all settings and functions used in the protocol are blocked when operating the device.
  • The remote control address is used for unique identification for all data Interfaces and may only occur once in a communication network. If a Gate-6 is in the communication network, multiple identically assigned remote control addresses are recognized and signaled.

Ethernet OPC UALink to Ethernet OPC UA

Data is exchanged either directly between the machine control and the Thermo-6 temperature control unit or via the Interface Server Gate-6. For further Information about the interface, see here...

  1. Close the control cables as shown in the image.
  2. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  3. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Remote Control Address]
    1. Set the parameter to the desired value
  4. Only with Gate-6 in a communication network

    1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
    2. Select [Gate] > [Setting] > [Network Gate-6] > [Network Configuration Gate-6]

    3. Set the parameter to the desired value, as explained in the table below →Netzwerkkonfiguration


      If the Gate-6 cannot be accessed (LED on the Gate-6 blinks green), check the jumper cable and the network configuration on the Thermo-6 (must be set to automatically). If this act the case and it is still not possible to establish a connection, the network settings on Gate-6 must be reset.

      To do this, hold down the reset button on the Gate-6 for 3 s → The network settings on the Gate-6 are reset.

  5. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]
    1. Set the parameter to the desired value, as explained in the table below →Netzwerkkonfiguration
  6. Select [Functions] > [Remote Control]
    1. Switch on the function with the slider ().
      → When the remote control is switched on, the remote control symbol is displayed on the basic screen .

Network configurationLink to Network configuration

The DHCP server (DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) automatically allocates IP addresses in the network. By default, the HB-Therm units are configured to automatically obtain IP addresses (default setting).

Network configuration

Thermo-6parameter [Network Configuration] = “automatically”

Gate-6parameter [Network configuration Gate-6] = “automatically”

DHCP server available

If a DHCP server act available, the connected units are automatically assigned a network address (IP address that does not start with 169.254...). The temperature control units are assigned to the machine control system (see injection moulding machine instructions).

It is unclear whether a DHCP server is available or not

If it act unclear whether a DHCP server is available, we recommend leaving the network configuration at the default setting (automatically) for the time being. If the network address (IP address that does not start with 169.254...) is assignment automatically, a DHCP server is available.

If no DHCP server act available, the unit assigns itself an IP address that starts with 169.254... Communication with the machine control is not possible in this case. The IP address setting (current) can be read for the temperature control unit under [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network Configuration] or under [] > [Setting Gate] > [Network Gate-6] > [Network Configuration Gate-6]:

  • [Network Connection Status] = “connected (locally)”
  • [IP address (current)] = “”

In this case, the network configuration must be carried out manual, see description parameter [Network Configuration] = “manual” (no DHCP server available).

Thermo-6parameter [Network Configuration] = “manual”

Gate-6parameter [Network Configuration Gate-6] = “manual”

no DHCP server available


Manually setting the parameter requires appropriate network knowledge.

If no DHCP server act available, each Thermo-6 and Gate-6 must be assigned a unique IP address and manual configured. The possible range for IP addresses depends on the machine or the manufacturer and must be clarified with them. For communication between the machine control, Gate-6 and Thermo-6 to work, all participants must be in the same network. The following IP address ranges are known:

IP address range
Arburg192.168.37.2 to
Engel192.168.101.70 to
KraussMaffei to (in addition, the netmask must be set to instead of )

Sumitomo Demag

192.168.220,150 to 192.168.220,199

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The Thermo-6 temperature control unit is not recognized in an existing device network.

→ The Gate-6 symbol () does not appear on the basic Thermo-6 screen

Check whether the network configurations are set differently between the temperature control unit and the units in the device network.

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]
  3. Set the parameter to the appropriate configuration of the device network.

The interface server Gate-6 is not recognized in the device network (e.g. When the Gate-6 is replaced).

→ The Gate-6 status of the unit (LED) flashes green

→ The Gate-6 symbol () does not appear on the basic Thermo-6 screen

The following two scenarios may exist, which can result from different network configuration settings (automatic/manual):

Existing network is configured to “automatically” (DHCP server available)

Problem: The [Network Configuration Gate-6] parameter is set to “manual” on the interface server.

  1. Press the reset button on Gate-6 for 3 seconds.
    → The network configuration of Gate-6 is thus reset to the default setting (automatically).

Existing network is configured to “manual” (no DHCP server available)

Problem: The [Network Configuration Gate-6] parameter is set to “automatically” on the interface server.

  1. On any temperature control unit, select Thermo-6 [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]
    1. Set the parameter to “automatically”
      → The Thermo-6 temperature control unit and Gate-6 now recognize each other (LED on the Gate-6 lights up green). The network setting for the Gate-6 can now be set using the Thermo-6 temperature control unit.
  2. Select [Gate] > [Settings] > [Network Gate-6] > [Network Configuration Gate-6]
    1. Set the [Network Configuration Gate-6] parameter to “manual.”
    2. Set the [IP address (manual) Gate-6] parameter to the desired value
  3. The Thermo-6 temperature control unit must also be reset to “manual”. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]
    1. Set the parameter back to “manual.”

Communication is available, but the unit does no commands from the machine control.

Check whether the remote control symbol () appears on the basic screen. If this act not the case, select [Functions] and use the slider () to set the [Remote Control] function to.

Act the Ethernet cable okay?

Check the behavior of the LEDs at the plug connection of the temperature control unit or at the Gate-6.

  • LED 1 blinks: Information is being exchanged (data connection OK)
  • LED 2 lights up: The connection is available (Ethernet cable ok)

Communication is not working

Check whether the port address is set correctly on the injection moulding machine.


Port 4841 is defined and reserved for temperature control units Thermo-6.

Check the Internet Protocol version.


The temperature control units Thermo-6 only support IPv4.

Check the EUROMAP 82.1 version.

There are two OPC UA standards that are not compatible. The client (injection moulding machine) must support both standards. The server (temperature control unit) defines which standard is used for communication. The HB-Therm units have implemented the following EUROMAP 82.1 standards:

  • Series 5: EUROMAP 82.1 V1.00
  • Series 6: EUROMAP 82.1 V1.01 / OPC 40082-1

Which EUROMAP 82.1 standard is supported by machine manufacturers depends on the software-version of the machine control system and must be clarified with the machine manufacturer. The following software versions from machine manufacturers are known:


  • Starting with software-version 4.60.11.x/version 4.62.05.x, Engel's software supports both EUROMAP 82.1 V1.00 and V1.01 version.
  • Software versions 4.60.0.x to 4.60.10.x or 4.62.0.x to 4.62.04.x only support the EUROMAP 82.1 V1.0 version.

Serial data interface (ZD, ZC)Link to Serial data interface (ZD, ZC)

Data is exchanged between the machine control and the Thermo-6 temperature control unit via the Interface Server Gate-6. Further Information about the interface is available here...

  1. Close the control cables as shown in the image.
  2. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  3. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Remote Control Address]
    1. Set the parameter to the desired value
  4. Select [Gate] > [Protocol Converter] > [Protocol]
    1. Set the parameter to the desired value
  5. Select [Functions] > [Remote Control]
    1. Switch on the function with the slider ().
      → When the remote control is switched on, the remote control symbol () is displayed on the basic screen.
Machine manufacturer/system
OFFProtocol converter not active (OPC UA Ethernet interface)

Arburg, Billion, Bühler, Dr. Boy, Ferromatik Milacron, KraussMaffei, Negri Bossi, Sumitomo Demag, Wittmann Battenfeld, Zhafir

2Sumitomo Demag (CAN)

Engel, Haitian



9Euromap 66 (CANopen; Netstal, etc.)
16SPI (Fanuc, etc.)

Help with problemsLink to Help with problems



The Thermo-6 temperature control unit is not recognized in an existing device network.

→ The Gate-6 symbol () does not appear on the basic Thermo-6 screen

Check whether the network configurations are set differently between the temperature control unit and the units in the device network.

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]

  3. Set the parameter to the appropriate configuration of the device network.

The interface server Gate-6 is not recognized in the device network (e.g. When the Gate-6 is replaced).

→ The Gate-6 status of the unit (LED) flashes green

→ The Gate-6 symbol () does not appear on the basic Thermo-6 screen

→ The [Gate] menu does not display any submenus such as [Protocol Converter ]

Check whether the network configuration for Thermo-6 and Gate-6 is set to “automatically.”

  1. On the home basic screen, tap the menu button
  2. Select [Setting] > [Remote Control] > [Network] > [Network Configuration]

  3. Set the parameter to “automatically” and exit the Network menu

    → wait approx. 30 seconds. If the LED on the Gate-6 still blinks green afterwards, the network setting on the Gate-6 must be reset. To do this, press the reset button until the LED flashes with for a short time (approx. 3 seconds). The LED should turn green after 30 seconds at the latest.

External control (ZB)Link to External control (ZB)

Communication takes place between the machine control and the Thermo-6 temperature control unit via potential-free external contacts. For further Information about the interface, see here...

  1. Close the control cable to the front of the device.


The [Remote Control] function does not have to be switched on for external control.